YOGA Skihochtouren
Exercise in nature, with nature - in the beautiful, idyllic Obersulzbachtal for ski mountaineering. Become one with the environment and immerse yourself in the magical, surrounding mountains of the Hohe Tauern. For this, your own body is our most essential tool. As mountaineers, our main focus is on the most effective use of our most powerful tool - the human body. Our legs carry us to the highest peaks and we use our hands as support or balance aids. And this is exactly where we want to start with you in our ski mountaineering course including yoga accompaniment. You will certainly know what it's like when after a long day of ski touring, either on the same day or the following day, your legs are heavy and tired and your entire body is shortened and overstrained - and you haven't stretched after the ski tour. So we have come up with a concept to prevent this strain and pain. After a day of ski touring in the deserted mountains of the Großvenediger region, we will practice very easy, gentle yoga flows with you that open the hips and regenerate tired muscles. Both beginners and advanced yogis will find some well-thought-out sequences here with which the body can prepare for the next day and the planned adventures. Together with you, we want to design your touring experiences in a sustainable way that you do something good for your body and soul. We look forward to seeing you!